Mendel Team
Case Study

Transforming Unstructured Pathology Data

The Challenge

A large diagnostics testing company faced significant challenges in managing the vast volume of unstructured pathology reports generated annually, totaling 200 million. The existing process of cataloging and de-identifying these reports became increasingly burdensome, leading to inefficiencies and scalability issues. The analytics team struggled to scale with the growing number of user requests, further exacerbating the situation. Despite using Snowflake for data warehousing and off-the-shelf large language models (LLMs), the company's existing solutions proved inadequate for handling the complexity and scale of their data.

The Goal

The primary goal for the customer was to enhance operational efficiency and foster data-driven insights by transforming a massive volume of unstructured pathology reports into structured, actionable data. They aimed to achieve exceptional accuracy in document classification, improving the usability of their data for oncology-related treatments and research. Additionally, they sought to streamline the data processing workflow to reduce the time and cost associated with manual data handling.

The Solution

Mendel introduced its HyperCube Platform through a pilot program that demonstrated remarkable improvements in data processing efficiency. The pilot achieved a 25% to 35% increase in precision and recall compared to traditional methods. This enhancement enabled the company to monetize its data more effectively, raising the value per slide from $1 to $3. Importantly, the data remained within the company's secure environment, facilitated by seamless Snowflake-to-Snowflake data sharing. The pilot also showcased the platform's ability to empower business users. With HyperCube Enterprise, users could engage in easy, intuitive data querying using simple one-line commands. This significantly reduced the burden on the analytics team, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. The company is currently exploring further capabilities of HyperCube, such as advanced querying through the HyperCube Analyst SQL interface.

“While I have decades of experience analyzing large clinical data sets, the ability to simply ‘ask’ HyperCube to find data of interest and to analyze all structured and unstructured data is a quantum leap.” Sr Dir Bioinformatics


In conclusion, Mendel's Hypercube platform epitomizes the vanguard of clinical data management and analytics. It has demonstrated that through the strategic application of its proprietary Hypergraph technologies, it is possible to convert vast and complex healthcare unstructured datasets into a structured and actionable framework. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve towards data-centric models, Mendel's Hypercube platform stands as an indispensable ally, driving the transformation of clinical data into tangible insights for enhanced patient outcomes and accelerated scientific discovery.

Read the case study here.

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