Join us

Join us to help create a better future for patients everywhere.

Developing AI that learns from every patient journey at scale can help save lives. One of those lives could be someone you know. We’re looking for mission-driven people to join our team.


Mendel's core values

Our priorities are people first, product second, then revenue. We firmly believe that by hiring brilliant minds and treating them right, we can build groundbreaking products that naturally dominate markets.

Dare to Fail

We don’t aim to slowly inch towards perfection.
Instead, we love rapid iteration, and learning from failures quickly to get the right outcomes.

Always Ethical

We don’t mislead our customers with false product claims and don’t tolerate misconduct.


Heart icon
Tooth icon
Glasses icon
Savings icon
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Two people icon
Dependent Care FSA
Healthcare savings icon
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Wheel chair icon
Long-Term Disability
Shield icon
Life Insurance
Life line icon
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Money bag icon
Bag icon
Unlimited Paid Time Off
Baby icon
Maternity + Paternity Leave

Life at Mendel

Open Positions

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Mendel platform today