ASCO Presentation by UPenn on Human + AI vs. Human for Clinical Trial Pre-screening
Unlock the Future of Oncology Trial Prescreening with AI Manual chart reviews for oncology clinical trials are time-consuming and often inaccurate, leading to missed opportunities for patient enrollment. In a groundbreaking study funded by Mendel AI, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine evaluated how AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) can enhance clinical trial prescreening. Key findings from the study show that AI-assisted teams (Human+AI) achieved noninferior accuracy compared to traditional methods while significantly reducing review time per chart by nearly 10 minutes. The NLP system streamlined the identification of key eligibility criteria, improving efficiency without compromising accuracy. This cutting-edge research has major implications for accelerating clinical trial enrollment and improving access for eligible patients. Download the full presentation to explore the methodology, results, and impact of AI-driven prescreening by filling out the form below.